Storekeeper, Alshaya Enterprises, Dubai

Storekeeper, Alshaya Enterprises, Dubai

Job Description
This role will support the operations department in the day to day tasks of supply chain activities.


  1. Pack and unpack items to be stocked on shelves in stockrooms, warehouses, or storage yards.
  2. Store items in an orderly and accessible manner in warehouses, tool rooms, supply rooms, or other areas.
  3. Examine and inspect stock items for wear or defects, reporting any damage to supervisors.
  4. Receive and count stock items, and record data manually or on computer.
  5. Mark stock items, using identification tags, stamps, electric marking tools, or other labeling equipment.
  6. Verify inventory computations by comparing them to physical counts of stock, and investigate discrepancies or adjust errors.
  7. Issue or distribute materials, products, parts, and supplies to customers or coworkers, based on information from incoming requisitions.
  8. Provide assistance or direction to other stockroom, warehouse, or storage yard workers.
  9. Dispose of damaged or defective items, or return them to vendors.
  10. Clean and maintain supplies, tools, equipment, and storage areas to ensure compliance with safety regulations.
  11. Recommend disposal of excess, defective, or obsolete stock.
  12. Keep records on the use or damage of stock or stock-handling equipment.
  13. Prepare and maintain records and reports of inventories, price lists, shortages, shipments, expenditures, and goods used or issued.
  14. Determine proper storage methods, identification, and stock location, based on turnover, environmental factors, and physical capabilities of facilities.
  15. Compile, review, and maintain data from contracts, purchase orders, requisitions, and other documents to assess supply needs.
  16. Prepare products, supplies, equipment, or other items for use by adjusting, repairing or assembling them, as necessary.
  17. Determine sequence and release of back orders according to stock availability.
  18. Confer with engineering and purchasing personnel and vendors regarding stock procurement and availability.
  19. Purchase new or additional stock, or prepare documents that provide for such purchases.
  20. Advise retail customers or internal users on the appropriateness of parts, supplies, or materials requested.


High School Diploma or Equivalent
At least 2 years’ experience in a similar field.
Professional and positive attitude
Good physical health
Customer oriented mindset
Ability to communicate in English.
Ability to communicate in Arabic to a reasonable degree.
Willing and able to work on an as needs basis.

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